Boromir Helle
* 2006-11-21 - 2011-07-23
Jag var tvungen att släppa taget när flocken kallade. Jag älskar dig, Helle.
God saw you getting tired. When a cure was not to be,
He closed his arms around you and whispered, "Come to Me".
In tears I saw you sinking. I watched you fade away.
My heart is almost broken, you fought so hard to stay.
But when I saw you sleeping so peacefully free from pain,
I could not wish you back to suffer so again.
So keep your arms around her Lord, and give her special care.
Make up for all she suffered and all that seemed unfair.
Helle dog i följdsjukdomarna av parasiten giardia som en import lundehundsvalp från Holland hade med sig. Helle died from complications of the parasite giardia that a Dutch lundehundpuppy brought into my kennel.